Tips to make the most of your online course

online courses
As the new year starts, people are planning to change aspects of their lives. From living on a budget to appreciating family more to improving themselves, people are looking to alter habits and explore new horizons.
For many going back to school to get a degree or learn a new skill, the most convenient way to accomplish this is through an online program.
Education is not cheap, and it is important to approach going back to school with a dedicated purpose and understanding of the commitment needed. 
Developing certain habits can be key to making the most of an online course. As we all know, changing habits can be difficult, but here are a few simple tips that might make the transition easier.
  • Use sticky notes throughout the house to remind you to spend time studying. Life is hectic and can eat holes in the best resolution.  Reminding yourself about your ultimate goal and persevering to meet that goal in spite of the obstacles can build your self-esteem and encourage further achievement. 
  • Set up calendar reminders for dates when an assignment is due. Utilize a desk calendar to show dates when parts of a class project need to be completed. Do not try to complete a large assignment or project overnight or within a short time span.  It doesn’t work in the business world, and it won’t work for an online class.
  • When needed, contact the teacher. Online does not mean you are alone. When using email, present your problem as thoroughly but as briefly as you can.  Although teachers want to be of help, they need to know exactly what it is that is causing you confusion - be specific.  A rambling email is difficult to understand and even harder to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem. 
Do some self-reflection before registering for an online class and spending the money for tuition. Understand that most of your work will be done through reading and writing. If you are uncomfortable expressing yourself using the written word, or you are not an avid reader, online courses may not be the best fit. 
The responsibility of learning relies upon you digging into the material, possibly going online for further information, and utilizing all of the resources available to fully understand your course material. This all requires a lot of self-discipline. 
A course lesson plan or syllabus will outline the format of the class and requirements needed to pass, but the student is responsible for meeting those requirements without constant reminders.
Failing to complete the course or completing the course with an insufficient grade will waste valuable time and money.   
Your attitude towards studying has a huge impact on your success in an online program.
Each three-credit course can require as much as 12 hours of study time per week (typically more than a regular face-to-face lecture class). If you are not prepared to put in the time, consider alternatives to an online program. 
Mary Fox Luquette, MBA, CLU, ChFC is a finance instructor in the B I Moody III College of Business at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.  
Source by: theadvertiser